Monday, 28 March 2022

Healthcare must be imbued with value

Paco Miralles

The 22nd National Congress of Hospitals and Health Management featured an organizational success that augurs a certain post-pandemic "normalization"; many congressmen and a program with a significant presence of value-based medicine. I take this opportunity to congratulate the organizing committee for the great work done.

Much has been said about the paradigm shift in the healthcare system, about the need to do things differently, about value as a solution for humanization, for the cohesion of professionals, for the alignment of funders and providers, and for the sustainability of a system in which without value everything is much more expensive.

Monday, 21 March 2022

Medical services, an anachronism

Jordi Varela



Clayton Christensen says that if you want to be efficient, you have to offer services as close as possible to where the need arises. Michael Porter and Thomas Lee, for their part, defend the creation of Integrated Practice Units (IPU), while those of Corporate Rebels affirm that attractive projects are made because of the commitment of professionals and not because of the hierarchical command structure. This post is contrary to the status quo of hospital organization charts and, for this reason, I have chosen these three references that, from various perspectives, direct us against centralism, corporatism, and the hierarchy that current medical services give off, anchored in a vision more typical of the last century than of the demanding complexity of today's health problems.

Monday, 14 March 2022

Improving organizations' culture; avoiding inertia

Nacho Vallejo

Image of Sasin Tipchai a Pixabay

The culture of a healthcare organization is still an abstract concept. It aims to incorporate unwritten rules, beliefs, or values workers share. It's the personality of the organization and, in institutions such as hospitals, it can even be different between services or professional categories, it can be linked to the baroque nature of our hierarchies and, above all, to the traditional one: "Here it has always been done that way."

Monday, 7 March 2022

Make Evidence-Based Medicine Great Again!

Cristina Roure

“Make Evidence-Based Medicine Great Again!” is the provocative title of a conference that Dr. Domenico Pagano delivered at the 56th Congress of the American Society for Cardio-thoracic Surgery, calling for the need to restore professionalism, integrity, and trust in data and evidence in medicine. The conference is long, it lasts 55 minutes, but Pagano makes a brilliant presentation on the increasing manipulation that has led us to the swamp in which evidence-based medicine (EBM) currently inhabits.