A follow-up of 6,972 people aged 64 years and older who had undergone a cardio respiratory arrest whilst they were hospitalised in an inpatient facility showed that the survival rate, after one year from the attack, was barely 10%, and if this estimate was restricted to people with no neurological injuries, the rate was halved. We don’t have data on the mid and long-term results for older people who are resuscitated outside of the hospital, but it all seems to be worse.
Aware of the bad omens of the heart failures at an advanced age, John Ballard, a retiree born and raised in the southern US, and an old fashioned liberal, as he defines himself, answered a tweet of mine on his blog in this manner:
Cardiopulmonar Resuscitation in elder: the mirage of numbers https://t.co/bwGhtULUV6 pic.twitter.com/lpiG5egsOd— Jordi Varela (@gesclinvarela) 17 de enero de 2017
— John Ballard (@Hootsbudy) 19 de enero de 2017