In a hospital a fragile geriatric patient dies with multiple cronic diseases
Antonio dies at the age of 88 during one of his many hospital admissions and the primary care team closes the case with the following diagnosis: a) Parkinson 7 years of evolution, b) Heart failure due to valvular dilated cardiomyopathy, c) high blood pressure, d) cardiac arterial arrhythmia by fibrillation that required pacesetter e) depressive-anxious syndrome, f) frequent urinary tract infections, and e) progressive protein-calorie malnutrition leading to death.
The daughter needed her father’s small amount of money therefore she didn’t want to send him to a residence for the elderly.
In the two years preceding the death, Antonio showed an absolute dependence in activities of daily life with a Barthel zero. He lived with a divorced daughter who had no income, and with his two grandchildren, her children. The dependency aid (destined for the caregiver not for the professional) and Antonio’s small pension were the biggest family’s sources of income so this was always an impediment on the proposed admission to a nursing home; although it was clear that the daughter, even with little support from the municipal home help, could not meet the needs for long term attention in the period towards of Antonio’s end of life.
In the last 3 years of life, this patient had consumed more than 100,000 Euros in services, with an impressive degree of incoordination.
In Antonio’s case history for the three years prior to the hospital admission when he died, the primary care team counted 24 attendances to the emergency room of the hospital, for very different reasons, many of them linked to heart disease, but also due to falls, fever, depression, pain in the penis, etc. Of these visits, 15 did not result in hospitalization, but, instead, almost all required attention in the short stay unit or follow-up day hospital or an outpatient clinic. Nine hospitalizations (three per year) were made in Cardiology, Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, with a total of 77 stays. Nine interventions of social work at the hospital were also counted. The activity that Antonio has generated in the primary health care and at the municipal social services has not been recorded, but there’s no doubt that it was also plentiful.