At first, talking of health value seemed as if it was initiating a debate in the area of epistemology. Instead, in the hands of Michael Porter, this issue becomes very practical: “What results in terms of health have been achieved and what were the costs?”. Put this way, it seems fairly clear, but then it’s logical to ask ourselves: What is an outcome in terms of health?
As the renowned Harvard professor sees us, the ones dedicated to this, as a bit stuck, he gives us a clue in the following table, proposing three levels of results (tiers) and two subgroups within each.
Now, with the previous table on the retina, let's get into the skin of a Integrated Practice Unit who needs to present their clinical results, beyond the usual indicators of suitability and efficiency. If, for example, we think of a functional unit responsible for an oncologic process, a very important fact should be the survival of patients treated in a given period, say five years. And while admitting that this would be very useful information, we have, however no knowledge at this point as to what are the survival factors attributable to the different oncologic units.